Thursday, June 22, 2006

Shadow Lizard

Deep in the heart of the Amazon basin (THE Amazon, not there lives a creature that lurks in the shadows... I think. It sure is not this lizard, although you would never know by looking. This guy was sitting under a heat lamp that was very very bright. By stepping my exposure time way down, I got this cool shadow effect without losing the detail. BTW, for any of you photography dorks that are screaming at your computer "Use a fill light, like your flash!" Well, dork, he was behind glass (You didn't think I take pictures of these animals in the wild... did you?) and no matter what you do, when you use a flash, all of the stains and smudges on the glass pop out and ruins the picture. Dork. Plus the unnatural light of the flash just ruins it. :P Posted by Picasa

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