Friday, June 09, 2006


This picture has a story behind it. So settle in, and you may want to get a snack.

My family was visiting my grandparents, and after a while my brother decided to go across the street to our church to get a soda for everybody. Instead of walking like God intended, he took my grandmother's electric scooter. I snuck up behind him while he had just gotten out of the scooter and I hijacked the scooter. Thinking quickly, he grabbed the key out of the side, engaging the brakes immediately. The key is just a 1/4" headphone jack, as I have delt with before at work, so I walked into the church, grabbed a pair of headphones I had in there, and plugged them into the scooter. When he walked out of the church, he saw me in the scooter doing donuts in the parking lot. (Well, more like driving in small circles) He looked in his hand and saw the only key for the scooter and was dumbfounded by my ability to start the scooter without the key. I started driving toward the house at full speed while my brother chased me holding about 5 cans of soda. The picture you see was taken while I was sitting on an old person's scooter, while wearing studio headphones plugged into the key slot while my little brother chased me trying to hold 5 cans of soda. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like cody's got his album cover for his soft-rock Christian alternative album!
