Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Lying low in the thatch
Inching toward it's prey
Shadowing the ilk of it's snake ancestry
Even the Buck will fall.

The Black Mamba is known to be aggressive, even by snake standards. The Black Mamba will lay low for as long as it takes, lulling the eventual victim into a false sense of security. Just when the prey has been content with it's life, and at peace with itself, the Black Mamba strikes. The Black Mamba sticks her fangs deep into her prey, stabbing at vital organs, usually the heart. While the prey is stunned, and desperate to recover, the Black Mamba injects her prey with with her venom and slowly chews the victim, causing very much pain and agony in her prey. Now that her prey is out of the picture, the snake's insatiable appetite for blood grows. This will not be her first victim. And it will not be her last.
Whatever the Black Mamba cannot completely devour, will be left to rot. It's no wonder the Black Mamba is often feared and avoided. The Black Mamba is very good at hiding her massive fangs. But once the fangs come out, you are going to be attacked.
It's best to avoid the Black Mamba's territory at all cost.

Warning. This is snake country.
You have been warned.
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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Rivem And Blooze

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Hard Rock On!

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My Trip

Taken by my camera phone. Sorry about the quality
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