Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Frogger, Powered by FrogSpot!
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Oh Yeah!

This is a cool little piece. This was part of a diorama created by a child that represents importent moments of his life. The bowls are no bigger than 1/4".
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Screaming Blue Madness

Don't ask what this is. All you need to know is it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. There is no way I can describe to you what this is a picture of in this little bit of text. Just enjoy the picture.
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Bite Sized Owl

This Owl only has 100 calories. What they don't tell you is it is no more than 6 inches tall.
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Moth Monster Man

This moth was HUGE! From wing tip to wing tip, it was about 1 foot across. What species was it? Check the Atlas.
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